April 19, 2024

It has been said a lot of times: technology is changing the way we are doing a lot of things. This is especially manifested in how artwork is treated in today’s modern times. Here are some of the changes that artists face with regards to the relationship of art and technology:

Technology enables artwork to be worked on continuously

Various advancements in technology have made it easier for artists to work on their projects in a continuous manner. So do not be surprised when the mural you see on the wall will be different in a few days. That is exactly the case with the abstract artwork in a gallery in Berlin. The daily changes in the artwork are made possible by a mini-robot called Vertwalker that paints based on an established pattern coded into its program.

Technology brings a different way of experiencing and accessing art for enthusiasts

Don’t have time to go to the art museum? The Internet gives art enthusiasts, viewers and other artists the chance to see various artwork such as films, photographs, paintings and sculpture online. Artquisite, an online art gallery based in Munich, for example, shows viewers and potential buyers a variety of contemporary and modern art pieces.

Technology brings a sense of community among artists

Social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram now connect artists all over the world. Not only will they be able to communicate with their fellow artist, they can now also do group critiquing on their friend’s art projects. There are also social media networks dedicated solely to artists and their work such as Deviantart, Dribbble and Behance. Websites and apps like Adobe Portfolio, Cargo and Format also present an online outlet for creators to showcase what they are producing.

Technology presents a new medium for artists

The advent of the computer age has also paved the way for the creation of software helpful to artists like Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Draw and After Effects. These art programs will not in any way replace actual art tools soon, but they are now being used increasingly to make many design projects. What used to take days through painting can now be made using computers in a few hours.

Technology is a bevy of inspiration for creatives

If you are an artist, you would be hard pressed to find a better source of inspiration for your projects. Also, satirizing how technology affects the world is now a major theme across many forms of art.

Technology revolutionizes how business is for artists

Again, due to the accessibility that the Internet provides, creators now have to adjust to the new business environment. While it is now easier to make money through their artwork, the market has also become incredibly competitive so artists have to strive hard to stand out.

A lot of artists are still adjusting to the changing landscape of the art community and sector due to the advancements in technology. That said, it has presented a lot of opportunities that may well be manipulated in favor of many creatives in the industry.