April 18, 2024

Divorce is a common scenario to witness in America but this isn’t the only thing which arises to complexities but gets worse when it comes to who is going to get the custody of the child. Since it’s not the thing commonly thought of in advance, the divorcing parents are not generally aware of the proceedings as per the law and the other formalities in the proceedings. Thus it is essential for the parents to get aware of all the laws involved and general information about the child custody cases.

Thus here are some of the most general terms discussed which the parts of every child custody case are generally and the divorcing parents must be aware of these terms and their consequent meanings.

  • Custody agreement or parenting plan: These are the legal and primary documents, in a child custody case, which are created by parents outlining their parenting needs and how they’re going to keep things managed. Type of custody each parent have and all the schedule of custody is decided according to this parenting plan along with the visitation schedules. All the information related to child support is to be included in this agreement only.
  • Physical and legal joint custody: Right from sharing the responsibilities and duties towards their children sharing the bigger decisions come under this legal custody. If the parents have physical custody they can decide on how to share home or like sharing time with children.
  • Filing for child custody: child custody isn’t just a stand-alone case but a consequence of a couple getting divorced. SO the parent has to file for children’s custody by filling the form and filling it to the same court where the divorce is filed. An Austin child custody lawyer can help you with all the legal procedure in filing the case.
  • Custody mediation: this is needed when there are disputes regarding the child custody. In mediation the parents have to meet a third party, consult their situation and come up with the parenting plan. Kirker Davis LLP has the right lawyers who can assist in mediation and can get the disputes resolved in the procedure.
  • Custody court and order: All the custody related cases are handled by the family court. This family court is the same where you filed the divorce and child custody papers. The case then proceeds further until both the parents agree to the judge’s declaring, which then adopted into a legal agreement. In case the parents don’t agree, the consecutive cases are to be presented before the judge to determine the custody orders.

There are a whole lot of things which the divorcing parents can encounter during the child custody procedure but knowing these basic terms and their meanings can turn out to be a good and safe start for both. The knowledge can help you understand the case better and thus let you deal with the complexities better. So if you are divorcing but are not sure how to go about it, then first get educated of these terms and then can take the agreement to the court without worrying. For further details, visit http://www.kirkerdavis.com/practice-areas/child-custody/