By Frank Olivo, 12khz SEO | Web Design | PPC
It is remarkable how many law firms are missing out on basic, inexpensive solutions that could greatly help their online presence. In this short blog post, we are going to share a few of the most common missed opportunities that we see.
- You do not have a responsive, mobile-friendly website. Amazingly enough, there are still attorneys that rely on outdated html sites that are impossible to read on mobile devices. Considering the plethora of cheap template solutions, there is really no reason for anyone to not have a mobile-optimized site.
- You have not claimed your Google My Business. This service allows you to control the snippets about your business that appear in the upper right hand corner of the search results. You can pick what images people see, searchers can see a street view of your office, clients can leave reviews, even avvo and superlawyer reviews can often be pulled in. Having this service will help you significantly to control your online presence and increase the likelihood that you show up in the results for local searches.
- Your website is not optimized for speed. Go to Google’s Pagespeed Insights and type in your url. If your site is like the typical site that we encounter, it has a lot of room for improvement in speed. People don’t want to wait for your site to load on their cell—they’re more likely to simply return to the search engine results and click on a competitor. There are a number of plugins for WordPress—many of them free—that can help you to speed up your site.
- You are not asking for reviews from your successful cases. When you have won a case, make a point of asking your client to give you a review on Avvo and/or Google. People do look at these reviews, and if they are on the fence about hiring you, it could be the factor that tips them towards hiring you
I don’t want to overwhelm you with a long “to-do” list. I do strongly encourage you to do follow through on all four of these pieces of advice, and hope that your practice continues to grow as you help more and more of your clients.
For better assistance, you should get into touch with http://12khz.com today.