For a personal injury claim to succeed, victims need to prove the existence, cause, and seriousness of their injuries. If you are one of these victims and want to seek compensation for your damage, medical documentation can help your case. You will need these documents to fight for your claim. This is the reason you must see an experienced wisconsin personal injury doctor right after your accident. The best doctor can document your injuries including the treatment you receive.
Importance of Medical Documentation
Medical documentation includes medical correspondence from the first time you visit your doctor to the last you get your treatment. It establishes your injury’s existence, type, cause, and seriousness. Proper documentation offers a solid foundation for a personal injury case to prove that your accident resulted from the negligence of the defendant, directly leading to your injuries. Also, medical documentation can demonstrate that you had no previous health conditions related to your injury before the accident. And if you have a pre-existing condition, the documentation can help you establish that you sustained new injuries from the accident.
Moreover, by having your injuries documented, it can be easier for your injury attorney to determine an appropriate insurance settlement or judgment amount. When your lawyer quantifies non-economic losses, they must use medical records and prognosis to come up with an amount that reimburses you for the pain you suffer. In addition, your attorney can use the records to leverage against insurance providers who may try to offer a lesser amount than you deserve to get for your injuries.
The Purpose of Medical Records
Medical records establish a picture of your health journey. After an accident, you should either go to the emergency room or see a private clinic to have your injuries examined. The records play an important role in establishing causation in your claim. Such documents include the diagnosis your doctor came up with, line-item medical bills, and detailed notes from your medical appointments. The documents list your injury diagnosis, therapy plans, and prescriptions. They should substantiate that the accident caused your injuries. Keep in mind that when you collect medical records, you can include anything that relates to your injury case. For example, if you sustained a bone fracture because of an accident, you should give all relevant documentation, including those from doctors, therapists, hospitals, and specialists. Although this might seem repetitive, it is important to come up with solid evidence to increase your chances of arguing a successful injury claim.