February 11, 2025

Top 5 Reasons to Hire a DWI Attorney - Halt.org

If you have been arrested and been charged with DWI or Driving While Intoxicated, it is vital that you obtain a DWI lawyer who is qualified to help you handle your DWI defense. Attorneys and lawyers who practice in DWI law can best aid you with your problem. 

Serious charge

DWI or driving while intoxicated is a very serious charge and if you have been arrested for DWI you need to seek legal help immediately from a DWI lawyer or attorney. Each year, states put into practice tougher and stricter DWI laws with more severe penalties for suspected DWI. You can lose your driver’s license, spend time in jail, and be fined a substantial amount. The rates for your auto insurance are certain to rise and you could end up with a criminal arrest record that can impact any future employment opportunities.

Focused practice

By hiring a DWI lawyer or attorney who has a focus in their law practice in DWI or DUI (driving under the influence of drugs) can make a big difference in how your legal case turns out. This is why it is so vital to use DWI.com to locate a qualified DWI lawyer in your area. 


DWI.com is a directory of only those attorneys specializing in this type of law and represents some of the most qualified DWI attorneys in the United States. The attorneys on this site have a majority of their defense practice in defending DWI and understand the laws and penalties for drunk driving in your state. A good DWI attorney in many cases can get your case reduced or in some cases even dismissed. The laws both in New York and Texas have strong penalties for first-time offenders. And that is another reason you need to consult with a DWI attorney in your area.