In the United States, 3,000 Mesothelioma cases are recorded each year. Though it’s significantly lower than the overall population of the country, concerns for the survival rate of Mesothelioma patients is still genuine.
What are the survival rates for Mesothelioma patients?
According to statistics taken over the course of 20 years, survival rates for Mesothelioma patients have significantly improved. Due to new forms of treatments, technological advancements, and increasing awareness of the risks of asbestos and Mesothelioma, survivorship for this type of cancer is better than years prior.
The statistics showed a vast improvement in the survival rate for patients diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. For one year after diagnosis, peritoneal Mesothelioma boasts 92% survival rate while pleural and pericardial Mesothelioma boasts 73% and 51% survival rates consecutively. As the year progresses, however, survival rate dwindles significantly. Only 10% of Mesothelioma patients are recorded to survive for five years or longer.
What are the factors affecting Mesothelioma survival rate?
Though the presented statistics above refer to the general consensus on the survival statistics of this cancer, Mesothelioma prognosis still varies among individuals. It is important to note that no Mesothelioma case is the same. Survivorship can change significantly depending on several factors. The most substantial factors being age and gender.
The common consensus is that older patients have lower 5-year survival rate than younger patients and women have a higher chance of attaining a 5-year survival rate than men. Aside from these two, the location of cancer, cell type, genetics, and the severity of the disease also factor in. An individual’s lifestyle and overall health also affect Mesothelioma survival rate.
How do you improve Mesothelioma survival rate?
Mesothelioma is almost always fatal. However, that does not mean that you can’t have a chance for a long-term survival. One incredible example is Heather Von St. James who was diagnosed with malignant pleural Mesothelioma when she was 36. Due to the nature of her cancer, physicians told her that she has only 15 months to live. Heather, determined not to be a part of the statistics, underwent aggressive treatment and defied the odds by surviving 12-years (and counting) after her initial diagnosis.
Nowadays, patients can undergo various personalized treatment plans to remove tumors from their body and treat cancerous cells. Stage 1 and Stage 2 patients have the option of undergoing surgery to extract tumors that haven’t yet spread too distant parts of the body. This option is now also extended to Stage 3 patients provided that they go to a qualified surgeon. Pleurectomy/decortications (P/D) or extra pleural pneumonectomy (EPP), for example, are available for patients diagnosed with pleural Mesothelioma. Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with HIPEC is also an option for those with peritoneal Mesothelioma.
Those who are diagnosed with the later stages of Mesothelioma don’t have the same surgical options extended to them, but they can benefit from chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments to increase their chances of survival.
Compared to decades ago, there are more clinical treatments and trials conducted to give patients a chance to live beyond their prognosis. These treatments, when used in combination with chemotherapy and other innovative treatments can surely help patients overcome the odds.
If you or one of your loved ones is affected with Mesothelioma, you will need not only medical but also legal assistance. Contact top Mesothelioma attorneys | karstvonoiste.com to help you navigate the complexities of Mesothelioma law.