A truck accident is a serious thing. When you’re driving a heavy truck of any kind, there is more that can go wrong than with a basic automobile. So, it’s important to take the appropriate steps to avoid bigger problems later through omission or other unintended causes.
Here are 5 steps to take after a truck accident.
- Notify the Police
The police must be notified about an accident. Regardless of whether there are perceived to be personal injuries or vehicle damage, an official notification must still be made. To fail to do so risks the incident being considered a hit and run. This is far more serious with legal ramifications far beyond the accident itself.
From an insurance claim perspective, if you leave the scene and fail to collect any details, it can make you look more culpable. Effective truck accident lawyers would tell you to wait at the scene for the police to arrive, provide your details, and start from there.
- Check for Injuries
It will be necessary for the authorities to understand quickly whether either you, one of your passengers or someone from another vehicle at the scene is injured. This will allow the police to ensure that there are enough ambulances to take all the critically injured victims to a hospital.
Bear in mind that bruising and internal damage isn’t likely to be evident right away. Also, the shock to the system in a violent impact numbs the body making it near impossible to know how bad things look. Therefore, going to the hospital to be checked out and possibly scanned for any broken bones is necessary.
- Collect Information Where You Can
Any information from the scene is useful in locating fellow drivers, witnesses, and viewing other details relating to the accident. When it’s unclear who’s at fault, many of these pieces of information are later used to form a picture of what happened.
If there’s a dashcam for the truck or another driver, arrange to receive copies of it, and swap insurance and contact details. Take photos of damaged vehicles, tire tracks on the road, and whatever else seems relevant.
- Let the Trucking Company Sort Things Out
The trucking company is responsible for any accident involving their vehicles on the road. At the scene, avoid discussing the accident or who may be at fault.
Refuse to sign any document at the time too. Refer the matter to the trucking company stating that you’re not permitted to sign anything. Provide the trucking company’s contact information to anyone who requires it.
- Don’t Share Anything Online
While we live in a social media era where people feel the need to share their entire lives online, avoid doing so with this accident.
It’s a private matter between those involved. Don’t risk inflaming tensions or creating a legal issue where online posts are brought up as potential evidence in court.
Let the trucking company and the lawyers sort through the mess after a trucking accident. Be useful regarding the collection of information and help people, but don’t go beyond that. Let the professionals manage the situation because they have experience of dealing with previous truck accidents and know what steps to take.