February 12, 2025

5 Signs You Need to Hire a Lawyer After a Crash - Andy Citrin Injury  Attorneys

After a vehicle accident, it’s normal to be confused and scared about what will happen next. You are worried about your injuries, having to go to work, medical bills or facing your insurance company for insurance claims. All of these can feel intimidating or challenging. Accidents are difficult and traumatizing situations to be in. Amid all of this chaos, you may have skipped the part of hiring a professional personal injury lawyer Sacramento for your car accident. Or Even if the thought of hiring one had crossed your mind, you might have shrugged it off as you were too worried about putting your money at risk at the time when you are already suffering financial loss. 

Personal injury cases have become so competitive now. The fault person’s insurance company and his lawyer may start working on proving that the accident was also your fault and you disqualify for any settlements and claims. Insurance companies are infamous for using the best tricks to pay you less and avoid paying you. As we talk about filing a lawsuit for your settlement and compensation, handling the whole process is much more complex than it seems. When you don’t know what you need to do exactly or precisely to prove your claim, you might make costly mistakes which can affect your personal injury case. In some cases, you might end up getting less amount for your settlement than you are actually entitled to. 

Whether or not to hire a lawyer after a vehicle accident is a question that you should consider carefully. You are going to make the other person responsible for your injuries, your financial and emotional damages. A lawyer has the skills and legal expertise to help you with the entire process of filing your claim. He knows the tricks and has the legal knowledge to make your case strong for receiving compensation. When hiring a lawyer for your case, make sure you go to the one who specializes in handling specific types of cases. So, if you have been involved in a bicycle accident, you will need a Sacramento Bicycle Accident Attorney as he is an expert in dealing with this particular type. 

So their role is important 

Personal injury attorneys can provide you the help you need for getting your compensation you are entitled to for your loss, injuries, damages. They will deal with the legal complexities in a brilliant way. Even more, they will provide assistance in getting you the maximum settlement.  Majority of lawyers work on a contingent-fee basis, which means they will get paid if only they have won in getting you your settlement money.  

When should I hire a personal injury attorney?

This is a question many want to know. The appropriate time to consult an auto accident lawyer Sacramento is after you have received a proper medical care and treatment from a doctor. It’s not wise to conduct a meeting with a lawyer before you aren’t even sure if you are medically fine or have been examined by a doctor. Whether it is a car accident case or a fall accident case, your injuries, recorded medical report and your medical bills are proof that you have been negatively impacted by the accident. 

Apart from that, different countries or states have different time durations during which one can file a personal injury case. You should be aware of that to avoid crossing the time limit to file a personal injury lawsuit.