February 16, 2025


When the electronic cigarette arrived on the market, two camps were formed: those who cried out genius and the others, more dubious, who argued the lack of hindsight from the long-term effects as the basis of their skepticism. Well, a few years after the appearance of the e-cigarette, the first studies start to surface and tend to agree with those who doubted.

The liquids used indeed contain diacetyl, a chemical that tastes similar to butter. It is also responsible for a serious lung disease: bronchitis obliterans nicknamed the “popcorn worker’s disease” because it mainly affected workers who handled this product. With popcorn lung juul you can have the essential supports perfect now.

In addition, an American study published in 2017, made it possible to correlate nicotine vapor with a weakening of lung, bladder and heart cells as well as their repair cells. The scientists who carried out this experiment in mice came to the conclusion that “electronic cigarette smokers had a higher risk than non-smokers of developing lung and bladder cancer, as well as heart disease”. They have, in fact, demonstrated significant damage to the very DNA of these cells.

Is vaping more dangerous than smoking?

An American report which analyzed more than 800 studies on electronic cigarettes nevertheless allowed these scientific results to be tempered. Their conclusion? If indeed we cannot deny the harmful effects of the e-cigarette, it is still much less harmful than traditional cigarettes. In addition, the authors of this review recognize that the use of electronic cigarettes can be of significant help to adults wishing to quit smoking.

  • And to conclude, all the same, on a downside by declaring that it is still too early to know the real impact of the chemicals composing the liquids of e-cigarettes.
  • In addition, if the document is intended to be less worrying for the health of adults, it sounds the alarm bells for the youngest: the latter vaping much more intensely than their elders. A habit that could create favorable ground for tobacco consumption, citing a 900% increase in the rate of e-cigarette use among American high school students.

Who of the young people?

We will probably have to wait a few years to know precisely the effects on our territory of the products contained in the nicotine vapor.

The vaping world has received a lot of attention lately with people wondering if it’s really better to vape than to smoke. Well, a two minute Google search will tell you that vaping is definitely 95% healthier than smoking. Despite this, many questions have been asked about the safety of your e-liquid. And since we inhale the substances in our vape juice, the question is certainly valid. Here is Vapotage 101 on the composition of an e-liquid and on the ingredients of vape juice to avoid.

Propylene glycol (PG)

PG is non-toxic and is commonly used to convey flavors in food products, as an ingredient in food colors and as an additive in various drugs. PG can be used alone in your vaping device, but a blend that combines PG and VG is much smoother than a 100% PG base.

Vegetable glycerin (VG)

VG is also a non-toxic vegetable liquid known for its softness and thickness. Due to its density, a 100% VG base is very thick and difficult to vape effectively. A combined PG / VG mixture is therefore recommended.