If you have been involved in a construction accident, it is important that you contact an accident lawyer right away. There are a number of different types of claims that you can make, including compensation for lost wages, medical bills, and third party claims. It is also essential that you take the time to find out what your rights are when it comes to a construction accident.
Compensation for lost wages
There are several factors that affect the chances of you obtaining compensation for lost wages after a construction site accident. Some of these include how long you were out of work and the cost of rehabilitation.
If you’ve been injured in a jobsite accident, contact an experienced New York construction accident lawyer. He or she can help you determine your legal options and recover damages for your injuries.
In addition to workers’ compensation, you may also have the right to sue other parties in a lawsuit for monetary compensation. You can file a claim against the manufacturer of defective equipment, a general contractor, a subcontractor, or other parties that contributed to the injury.
An experienced attorney can investigate the incident and gather evidence to build a strong case. This could include photos of the scene, names and descriptions of witnesses, and details about the types of equipment involved.
An expert witness is invaluable in determining the magnitude of a lost wages claim. This person will testify about the scope of the injury and the expected future earnings.
Compensation for medical bills
If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills. You can file a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit to receive benefits for your medical expenses and lost wages. However, it’s important to consult a New York City construction accident lawyer before filing a lawsuit.
In order to file a worker’s compensation claim, you must report your accident within thirty days of it happening. You can also file a personal injury lawsuit against an at-fault party for any injuries you suffered in the accident.
Injuries that occur at a construction site can have significant impacts on a person’s life. Depending on the severity of the injury, a person may not be able to work for a long period of time. They may need surgery, diagnostic tests, therapy, home health care, and prescription medication.
To pursue a construction accident claim, it’s important to gather evidence and take photos of the scene of the accident. If possible, take the names and contact information of witnesses.
Compensation for wrongful death
Every day, construction workers across the United States suffer injuries that affect their lives for the rest of their lives. When an accident happens, it is important to understand how to get compensation for wrongful death. The best way to find out how to handle your claim is to consult with an experienced attorney.
An attorney can file a wrongful death lawsuit to seek monetary compensation for the damages your loved one experienced from their accident. This may include lost income, medical expenses, and other financial losses.
Using an attorney can also help you negotiate with your insurance company. They can file a claim on your behalf, and even represent you in a trial if necessary.
Choosing the right lawyer can make the difference between receiving full benefits or being left out in the cold. A good attorney will be able to find out all the facts about your case, and will work with you to ensure you receive all of the compensation that you deserve.
Compensation for third-party claims
If you’ve suffered an injury in a construction accident, you may be eligible to file a third-party claim. These claims offer a way for you to obtain compensation for your lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages. Depending on the situation, you may also be able to sue a property owner for injuries sustained on the job site.
Construction sites are complex environments and have a number of parties involved. The owner of the property, the architect, and the equipment manufacturer can all be held responsible. It’s important to have a strong attorney handling your case. An experienced New York construction accident lawyer can investigate your facts and help you fight for justice.
If your employer is found to be partially liable for the injury, you may be able to sue for a substantial amount of compensation. Workers’ comp benefits cover medical expenses and partial replacement of your wages. Generally, this is not enough to pay for the cost of a construction accident. However, a third-party claim can provide you with far greater compensation.