February 12, 2025

The acronym “CSC” stands for “Criminal Sexual Conduct” and describes practically all sexually-oriented offenses. Sexual assault, molestation, and abuse of minors fall under this category. It’s essential to consider the parties’ intentions when judging if sexual contact occurred. To prove criminal sexual contact, the prosecution must show that the touching was motivated by sexual gratification. Michigan has four main types of sex offenses, most of which fall under one of these categories. The consequences for sex offense convictions are high since they are considered among the worst people can do. Sentences for sex crimes (CSC offenses) in Michigan can range from probation to life in prison.

1. 1st Degree

First-degree The most severe charge is criminal sexual conduct (CSC), which describes the sexual penetration of a kid younger than 13. This rule applies if the accused is an adult in charge of a minor between 13 and 16. (teacher, afterschool care, doctor, etc.). Cases of sexual penetration involving violence, harm, weapon use, kidnapping, extortion, or other threats of violence are categorized as Criminal sexual conduct 1st degree.

2. 2nd Degree

Second-degree CSC in Michigan is defined as sexual contact intending to arouse, gratify, or humiliate another person. Second-degree CSC does not involve penetration as Criminal sexual conduct 1st degree does. The maximum possible sentence for this degree of offense is 15 years in jail.

3. 3rd Degree

In Michigan, this type of CSC can be among the most intricate. This type of Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC), often known as “Statutory Rape,” refers to sexual penetration (oral, genital, or anal openings) of a person who is 13 to 15 years old or who is 65 years old or older, or who is disabled. The state of Michigan may press charges in cases of third-degree criminal sexual conduct even if the complainant/alleged victim do not choose to do so.

4. Fourth Degree

Sexual contact, rather than penetration, is considered the basis for a charge of criminal sexual behavior in the fourth degree, which can be issued under the same circumstances as a charge of criminal sexual conduct in the third degree. Additional aggravating circumstances for 4th-degree crimes include:

The victim is between the ages of 13 and 15. At the same time, the offender is an adult four years their senior in a position of authority and who exploits that position to coerce the victim into compliance.