As families prepare for the arrival of a child, their homes are filled with joy and laughter. However, such moments of happiness can turn into anguish due to the slightest negligence of the medical professionals. Birth injuries can impair babies for their entire life. Today, we are going to take a look at some birth injury cases that can make life more challenging for your bundle of joy.
Developmental Delays
A child might experience physical trauma and oxygen deprivation during birth. This can have a long-term effect on the child’s early development. There have been multiple instances of children finding it difficult to roll over, sit straight, take their first steps, understand common words, and reach similar milestones on sustaining a birth injury. Although every child follows a unique pace as they learn new things and master new skills, certain behaviors need to be immediately reported to the pediatrician, especially if your child has sustained a birth injury.
Cognitive Disabilities
Birth injuries are infamous for causing cognitive disabilities in children. They might find it challenging to master a new language or remember things. Some common examples of such disabilities are conditions like aphasia, dyslexia, and dyscalculia. Such defects are caused due to short-term loss of oxygen during birth. They might take severe forms like Asperger’s syndrome, autism, & ADHD as the child grows up.
Physical Defects
A child might have shoulder dystocia due to the application of excessive pressure during delivery. It can cause significant damage ranging from brain damage to Erb’s palsy and even death in extreme cases. Medical professionals are at fault if they allow the baby to stay stuck for too long in the birth canal or misuse assisted delivery tools such as forceps or vacuum extractors. There have been multiple reports of doctors exerting excessive force in pulling out the child from the mother’s pelvis. This is another pertinent cause of shoulder dystocia in babies.
Birth injuries can impact both the victim and their immediate family members, who have to care for them in the long run. If your child has sustained a birth injury due to medical malpractice, then it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention from Atlanta medical malpractice attorneys. They will ensure that your family receives the compensation you are entitled to so that you don’t face financial hardships in caring for or providing medical treatment to the child who sustained birth injury.