Canada has become the first choice for business houses from around the world for their numerous investments due to its geographic advantages, lowest taxes and operating costs, innovative economy, sound financial systems, and above all a long-term fiscal policy and approach. If you are an existing trader or intend to invest in Canada, you must acquaint your self with the suitable types of investment and prevailing laws and regulations that will give you abundant return as well as opportunities to grow. Get In Canada to prosper your dream trade with all the suitable business atmosphere in Canada.
There are a number of suitable investments you can plan in Canada including annuity, bond, CSB or Canada Savings Bond, ETF or Exchange Traded Fund, GIC or Guaranteed Investment Certificate, mutual fund, security, segregated fund, stock, T-bill or Treasury bill etc. In order to start with investing in one or some of these investment areas, you are required to know the details of the investment and see whether they are suitable for you.
The annuity refers to a contract of investment which gives you regular payments in determined intervals commonly after retirement. A bond is generally a certificate provided to you by government or non-government issuers or companies which further assure you to pay the interest for your money regularly as well as pay back the loan as per the contract.
The CSB or Canada Savings Bond is a federal government savings program duly guaranteed and issued by the federal government of Canada. The Canada Savings Bond gets maturity on a three-year term and offers you the minimum guaranteed interest rate and this interest rate remains intact for the entire three years term of the contract. After the three years term, the finance minister declares a fresh and new interest rest based on the prevailing market rate.
The ETF or Exchange Traded Fund holds assets like bonds, commodities or stocks. The ETF basically trade stock market exchanges and hold the value which is same as the value of their assets. It means your ETF value is subjected to numerous fluctuations all through the day. The risks of ETF solely depend upon the asset you hold. On the other hand, the GIC or Guaranteed Investment Certificate is safer in terms of risks and market fluctuations. You can purchase the GIC on a fixed or variable interest rate.
A mutual fund is an investment where the funds of many investors pooled together and a professional invests them in one or some types of investments either in stocks, bonds or other options.