February 15, 2025

Are you suffering from injuries after orthopedic surgery? Millions of surgeons perform different kinds of orthopedic surgeries throughout the year. Most of the surgeries, for instance, arthroscopy is safe and a minimal-invasive procedure and chances of complications are less. However, there are patients who may suffer risks due to co-morbidity or negligence of the doctor. Every doctor owes a duty of care to his patient. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the doctor to examine the patient, their past medical history and must recommend tests if required.

Besides this, the procedure should be explained so that patients know what they can expect during or after surgery. If the doctor fails to uphold the medical standards, or if patient goes through complications after a surgery, then a medical malpractice lawsuit can be filed against the surgeon. You’ll need to get in touch with a professional attorney who can help you out in the case.

Medico-Legal guidance: What is it and what is the importance?

Medico-legal guidance is a kind of advice obtained by the attorneys from a medical expert witness. In the case of orthopedic malpractice cases, the attorneys will call upon an orthopedic expert witness to seek medico-legal guidance. These expert witnesses offer medico-legal reports which serve as an exclusive testimony in civil lawsuit claims. These reports might be needed for claims on medical negligence, and personal injury cases.

Now the question is why do medical malpractice attorneys seek help from these expert witnesses? In civil claims for damages, the plaintiff has to prove that he/she has suffered damages due to the negligence of the medical practitioner. Therefore, it is important to get strong evidence that could be produced by the attorney on behalf of the plaintiff. Medical malpractice cases are complex issues and this is one of the reasons why this unbiased report from an expert witness is required. These expert witnesses will prepare a report to support the claim made by the plaintiff, that the claimant has suffered injuries due to the negligence of the doctor. If the patient hasn’t recovered completely, the expert might also offer an opinion on the further course of action that needs to be taken.

Importance of Medical expert witness:

As far as importance is concerned, medical experts are beneficial not only for the case but also for the jury. They offer unbiased case reports and perform Independent Medical Examination (IMD) if needed. Besides this, they also provide testimony during court trials and depositions and help the honored judges to make their final decision on the medical malpractice case. They explain why an injury has happened and why it can be a case of medical malpractice. All these crucial information stands vital for the closure of the case.

So if you want to register a medical malpractice case against a surgeon/doctor/medical team, get in touch with an attorney. He will listen to your case and decide if it can be considered as the medical malpractice case or not. Furthermore, they might seek guidance from medical expert witnesses to seek medico-legal guidance for your case!