If you’re asking yourself this question, then you’re likely seeking refuge in Canada for various reasons. No one will blame you for asking such a question as many people in Canada probably don’t even know what an immigration consultant is! You have also seen that other countries don’t even have them available, so why would it be so important in one or two countries to have one?
It is true that there aren’t that many nations out there with immigration consultants, but there are reasons why. In some countries having consultants is just another way of having legal counsel and that’s what some immigrants obtain in other countries. Some countries don’t afford any rights to immigrants, and as a result, legal counsel of any kind is unavailable.
Without immigration consultants in other countries, the person seeking to become a citizen of that nation faces more challenges than they would otherwise. If you’re an immigrant seeking permanent residency in most countries, the legal intricacies of the process are up to you to figure out.
People are pretty smart though, aren’t they? One should be able to figure out the system on their own, right? Some countries, like Denmark and Japan, make it virtually impossible to become a citizen of their country, meaning that having good legal counsel is a must. With many others, including Canada, there is a complex system to immigration that needs to be followed, and that’s not always easy.
So, once you have landed in Canada and are now facing a complex system to allow you to stay and become a citizen, there is one thing you need to realize right away: this is bound to be a system that you’re unfamiliar with. The simple fact is that if you’re immigrating to Canada, you weren’t born there, so you’re probably not going to have a clue as to how the whole system works. Most people born and raised in Canada don’t either, if that helps! If you do know how the system works, then you’ve really done your homework, and a lot of it!
If, however, this is all new to you, then you’re probably uncertain of what the future holds. Not only that, you are likely to have a lot of questions about a complex system you’re going to be part of for a while. There are also a number of rules that you’re going to have to follow for the foreseeable future, and it would certainly be helpful to know what they are and also to know all of them.
If you are asking these questions of yourself and are even feeling a little bit lost, then you’ve already answered the question placed at the head of this article. Why would I need a Canadian Immigration Consultant? Because, they are the people to answer all those questions you have, help you through the process, and most importantly, ensure that one day you are, indeed, proudly holding your certificate of citizenship!