Whenever there is a case pending and running up in the court, some of the agencies try to help you by following the procedures all abide by the law. They would offer help by calling an expert for the witnesses and mapping them in a very professional way so that they could tell what exactly happens in the case. The case can be related to anything like tree collision, vehicle accidents, wrongful death, etc. Your case strategy must be enhanced and helps you to win.
In the litigation type cases, surveying expert witnesses examine the various details and features of old maps, deeds, patents, etc. They spend much time creating some special connection between old and new and often performs reading, researching and cataloging various avid parts of history. The experts have license and with their unique skill set, they are regulated to perform survey without any mistakes.
Obtaining opinions from experts to shape your case
Many Long Island land surveyor expert witness helps in analyzing the various description of survey maps, existing filed locating records, etc. Mapping is necessary to present information in the courtroom with the sole purpose of presenting a visual exhibit. Some of the experts offer their genuine advice as well in case of boundary dispute and they try to advice both parties to settle the case in more friendly manner.
Sometimes, minor problems can be escalated quickly to disputes at a large scale and sometimes that takes years to settle through the court proceedings. More importantly, the court process is quite expensive. Various attorney groups and agencies offer service with respect to Legal description and mapping along the lot line adjustments, public and private easement, zoning application, etc.
Some other services are also offered like writing, staking, mapping of the field and survey being conducted for easement of property in the right way.