January 25, 2025

While it may be tempting to try to avoid the expense of hiring an attorney in Las Vegas for the less serious offenses, it is wise not to underestimate the consequences of inexperienced defense. What might result in a simple fine or slap on the wrist in adult court could lead to a minor’s removal from his home to a Las Vegas juvenile detention center. Likewise, an overworked and underpaid court-appointed lawyer could be the unwitting catalyst to your child’s incarceration.

An experienced attorney in Las Vegas who is experienced in juvenile law takes it upon him/herself to know the particulars of the juvenile’s situation, from their standing at school to their home life. The juvenile law attorney spends the time getting to know the minor that a public defender simply doesn’t have, and in turn relays that minor’s story to the judge, district attorney and probation officer; in effect, a good attorney in Las Vegas becomes the voice of the minor.

An attorney specialized and experienced in juvenile law understands the amount of discretion a judge in juvenile court has and is well versed in how to make a case for rehabilitation rather than punishment. An experienced attorney in Las Vegas could also mean the difference between a minor being taken into a Las Vegas juvenile detention Center or allowed to go home for the time period of the initial hearing.

There are numerous consequences to hiring inadequate attorney in Las Vegas in this delicate area of the law, such as the minor may be incarcerated due to inexperienced negotiating on the part of the attorney, the parents having to foot the bill for the incarceration period at a Las Vegas juvenile detention center, the chances of the minor getting locked up with gang members is substantial while the offense will go on the minor’s permanent record. In the event of incarceration, the minor may have to be moved to a different school district after release, depending on the leniency of the current district

An experienced juvenile criminal law attorney may be able to achieve non-incarceration solutions that a non-specialized lawyer cannot, such as placement of the minor in rehabilitation programs, payment of restitution to victims, imposition of court-imposed curfews, mandatory school attendance, or placement in a juvenile detention facility. The judgments made at this crux in the minor’s life can very often determine his/her path well into adult life; the choice of a skilled and specialized attorney is crucial.

Certain documents should be prepared ahead of time before the first meeting with a juvenile criminal law attorney. These documents may include: the minor’s birth certificate, school work documentation, such as report cards, special awards, etc., documentation of employment, such as pay stubs, proof of church involvement, if applicable, and copies of prior juvenile court records or police reports.