February 15, 2025

Image result for How to Organise Your Proof of Relationship for an Australian Partner Visa

One of the most sought-after visas in Australia is a partner visa. This visa enables the spouse of an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or a New Zealand citizen to come and live in Australia. If you’re interested in applying for this visa, there are a couple of things you need to know to increase your chances of getting approved. If you and your partner are not married, the Department of Home Affairs will require you to meet the one-year de facto relationship visa requirements.

When lodging a partner visa, you must be able to demonstrate the genuity and validity of your relationship for at least a year by the time of your application. This makes organising your proof of relationship extremely important because the Department is very particular when it comes to evaluating relationship evidence. You should be able to present your documents in a neat and organised manner to avoid confusion about your relationship.

Here is how you should organise your proof of relationship when lodging an Australian partner visa.

What is a de facto relationship?

First off, it’s important to understand how Australian laws define a de facto relationship. According to the Australian Family Law, a de facto relationship means:

  • The couple has a mutual commitment in sharing their lives together
  • The couple has lived together or apart for a short period of time
  • The relationship is genuine and both sides are committed for the long-term
  • The couple has been in a relationship for over 12 months prior to applying for a partner visa
  • The couple is not yet legally married
  • The couple is not blood-related

Living together is a common theme for most relationships. For partners that live together, here’s what you need to know:

  • The 12-month relationship mark doesn’t require the couple to have lived together for a year.
  • The Department recognises the need for you and your partner to live apart due to obligations like work or family commitments.
  • While living apart, the couple must be able to prove that the separation is temporary and they have plans to reunite again at some point in the future.

Providing evidence of your de facto relationship

Providing the Australian authorities with clear, concise evidence is crucial when lodging a partner visa application. You are required to submit a signed relationship statement that covers important details about your relationship such as:

  • How you met each other, including the date and location
  • How the relationship began and how it developed over time
  • Evidence of shared commitment when it comes to emotional, financial, and physical aspects
  • Future plans as a couple
  • Detailing a period of separation due to life commitments and how you managed to stay in contact with each other

Australian authorities like the Partner visa assistance in Perth expect all applicants to provide complete details of the following key aspects:

  1. Financial aspect of the relationship

You must be able to document the financial aspect of your relationship through joint liabilities like bank loans, joint utility bills, joint car purchases, and more. Most importantly, you must be able to provide details of an existing joint bank account together. This proves that you and your partner share the expenses together whether it be paying rent, bills, purchases, etc.

  1. Nature of the household

There should be hard evidence detailing the nature of the household that you and your partner share together. This can be achieved through joint household bills, receipts for appliances and furniture, and postcards sent to both of you that use the same address found in your household.

  1. Social context of the relationship

Hard evidence may be difficult to prove at times, especially if you’re facing Australian migration laws. What isn’t difficult however is proving the social context of your relationship with your partner. You must be able to prove that you and your partner are accepted socially and you participate in social activities together.

This can be in the form of photos as a couple with friends and family, travel documents like hotel bookings and flight tickets, and evidence of having mutual friends. You should also provide evidence of attending social activities together to further validate the social context of your relationship.

  1. Commitment to the relationship

One of the most important aspects Australian authorities look into is the commitment of both parties to the relationship. You should be able to provide details that cover the duration of your relationship, intentions to establish a future together, and contact details that serve as proof that you maintained contact with each other if you separated due to life commitments.

How a migration agent can help

Moving to Australia requires careful planning and consideration. The hopes and dreams of many people can hinge on a successful visa application and you want to make sure you give you and your spouse the best chance possible. Keep in mind that there are no refunds for a refused visa, and with the very long processing times, it’s crucial that you get it right the first time around.

A migration agent can save you time, money, and resources by providing expert advice on immigration matters. They can help prepare your visa application and negotiate with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection to ensure a smooth and hassle-free application. As such, you can greatly reduce the chances of making costly errors and have peace of mind knowing that you have an industry professional that guides you along the way.

Migrate With Us employes a team of registered migration agents that know the ins and outs of Australian immigration. We can help you lodge a partner visa application by eliminating the guesswork so you can be confident about preparing the evidence for your de facto relationship. Anything you need from partner visa applications to submitting appeals, Migrate With Us can secure your pathway to a new life.

If you need assistance for your partner visa and are looking for professional advice, feel free to contact us and allow us to guide you through the process.