February 11, 2025

Murphy Insurance News & Articles | COVID-19 coronavirus notice

This is an unimaginable time in our lives and many people face confusion, personal, financial, or medical. We needed to adapt circumstances that changed rapidly, sometimes with little notice. Although the current situation is daunting for all, when you are physically unable to function it can be especially difficult.

In this blog, in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, Ottawa personal injury lawyer address some of the questions you might have about handling your Long-Term Disability Claim insurance claim.

  • What is illness insurance and also define Short-term disability and long-term disability?

Disease insurance covers income loss from illness, whether it’s a physical accident, a disease, or a psychological disorder. To fully understand your coverage, let’s look at the short- and long-term differentiation between disability first.

Short-term disability benefits (STD) provide income support and help cover expenses for a short time after your sick leave is over. Most LTD benefits kick in after the disability within a few days to a week. They cover about 70 percent of one’s salary and last for up to 6 months, although some can last up to one year. However, not every employer offers a policy with LTD coverage but relies on employment insurance benefits instead.

  • What is  LTD coverage?

LTD coverage is insurance that provides compensation if you are disabled as a result of working. Under most LTD insurance plans that we have, this means that to qualify for benefits, you will have to prove that you are unable to continue working because of a health condition. The disorder can be physical, psychological, cognitive or mental, or a combination of the above.

In certain cases, if you qualify for LTD coverage, you will pay between 60-66 percent of your pre-disability income once benefits become payable. Some policies cover a smaller amount, and some cover more, but in all cases, if you can no longer work and do not have any income, the value of the monthly benefits is very significant. Most plans can offer benefits to those up to 65 years of age-eligible.

Which if I have been refused my LTD claim and have to file an appeal during COVID-19?

If your LTD application has been rejected or your benefits revoked, you have the right to appeal the decision taken by the insurance provider. But usually, there is a small amount of time to do so. You would then verify the letter of refusal from the insurance company to determine what facts or evidence it believed lacked or on which medical opinions it based its rejection. You can also ask the insurance agent for a copy of your claim file that will contain the insurer’s reports, as well as any medical records or suggestions it relied on when deciding the case.decision. Users will also gather your medical history, as well as notes from the prescribing doctors, explain that you are injured, and respond to the list of coverage refused by the insurance provider. After you have gathered all the relevant documentation, a letter detailing your appeal and describing why the insurance company’s decision to refuse benefits was incorrect should be submitted to the insurance provider. If you have trouble accessing medical records or reports from your physicians, you might be able to request alternative forms of documentation, such as the above. However, often the formal appeal is the last attempt to get evidence in the documents before the court, and you must insure that the documentation is submitted to the insurance provider by the appeal date.deadline. If appropriate you should ask the insurance provider for an extension of time. If one is given, please ensure that the paperwork is in writing.

Given the value of the legal challenge of the insurance business, it is a safe time to discuss getting a lawyer involved.

  • How does COVID-19 affect me if I get LTD benefits from an insurance firm already?

COVID-19 can also affect your application for an LTD, even though you already earn benefits. However, if your application is accepted, you will provide the insurance provider regularly with updated reports showing that you intend to fulfill the applicable definition of disability.

Such changes can include patient forms, doctor’s statements, and revised medical reports as an initial allegation. The above guidelines for filing a new claim apply similarly to changes to an already made lawsuit.

Many insurance firms can simply continue already accepted claims during this period and do not update. It’s not the case for all companies, however, so you can complete an upgrade to the best of your capacity when one is needed. Ignoring the insurer’s order for alerts or failure to respond within the time limit would possibly result in the policy being terminated. If you are having trouble responding to inquiries from the insurance provider, disclose it to the insurer and log your correspondence. So you can not assure this which will discourage the insurance provider from withdrawing your insurance, you will at least have some proof that their decision is illogical.

  • If you have any questions to ask and want a conversation with an expert?

Call us at (613) 230-5787 for a free consultation . Wherever you are in the LTD Insurance process, we ‘re happy to speak to you and answer your questions at no charge. You don’t have to sign anything, nor have to give a credit card number. Just ask questions, and get answers from one of our lawyers on personal injury in Ottawa.