Should you file for bankruptcy and is bankruptcy your best option. Most bankruptcy attorneys will give you a free evaluation for you to decide:
- Determine if filing bankruptcy is right for you;
- Decide whether you should file under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13;
- Increase your chances of filing successfully.
Free evaluation
Get started down this road for $0s down. You can get a new start and get out of debt today. What debts do you have? If you have any of the following, it might be time:
- Credit card debts;
- Government fines;
- Medical bills;
- Judgments;
- Personal loans;
- Tax debts;
- Own real estate;
- Owe money on a car.
Philadelphia firm
Philadelphia has a fine bankruptcy attorney firm and has provided superior, cost-efficient, and value-oriented legal services in a respectful and compassionate manner to many clients.
Consumers and businesses
This Philadelphia law firm focusses only on consumer or business bankruptcy matters. This firm’s attorneys are certified for both debt consolidation attorneys and certified by the American Bankruptcy Certification Board and have filed over 20,000 personal bankruptcies. This certification provides a standard that assists the public in making informed decisions when choosing counsel.
Get help
Everyone at sometime in their life may have too many debts and then a tragedy or something else can happen and makes your finances take a terrible turn for the worst. Not all debts are eligible for bankruptcy and that is why it is important to speak to a bankruptcy attorney who can answer all your questions on filing for bankruptcy.
Filing for bankruptcy can take a load off your shoulders and will give you a new start – and you probably know all the places where you messed up your finances the first time – this time will be different. But it is important that you get an attorney specializing in bankruptcies to help you with this situation.