Social Security disability insurance offers compensation to those who suffer disability and are no longer able to work for a long time or on long-term. The Social Security Administration sets minimum requirements for you to qualify for the benefits. This means that your disability needs to be evaluated to determine that indeed you deserve to be compensated. It is a process that can be tedious, but with the assistance of social security disability lawyers, like Jorgensen Law based in San Diego, it is made easy. But before hiring an attorney to represent your claim, there are a few things that you ought to know about your disability lawyer.
The lawyer helps in filing the claim. A good disability lawyer has the necessary experience and knowledge of rules of filing disability claim. Once you hire your attorney, they will help in assembling the necessary documentation to ensure that your application gets approved in the end.
Disability attorney is an expert in agency rules. Considering that as an individual you would need to go through the Social Security Administration, a disability lawyer comes in handy. This is because they understand the agency system as far as administrative laws go as well as judges to hear appeals. The attorney already knows what needs to be done and is therefore the expert who will save the day for you.
The lawyer helps evaluate disability pay options. Of course, when your disability happens at your place of work as you do about your tasks you deserve some sort of payment. The options are numerous and since you may not be aware of what you qualify for your disability lawyer will help in making the evaluation for you. They will help in determining whether you should receive state disability benefits, social security disability benefits or worker’s compensation. The disability will actually help you understand the different options.
The social security attorney assists in proving your disability. Under Social Security, there is list of impairments that are considered a disability and your disability must be on the list for you to qualify for the compensation. It will be the work of the lawyer to prove that you are sufficiently disabled, meaning that yours on the approved impairment list or that it’s equally as severe as those listed. They know how to gather evidence needed to prove disability so you quality for the benefits.
The attorney works on a contingency fee basis. When looking for an assistant, it is very important to note this point about social security lawyers. You are only supposed to pay the lawyer when the claim is won. The fees that you pay in the end will be based on settlement amount you receive. Different lawyers break down the fees differently so make sure you are aware of what the services will cost you.
Your disability lawyer will help appeal the denial to SSA or in court. If you end up being denied benefits, the lawyer starts the appeal process with the social security agency. He will also lodge an appeal with the federal courts to try and turn things around so you get the benefits.
When looking for social security disability attorney San Diego, look for experience and winning rates to choose a competent lawyer. Your disability attorney San Diego eases out the disability claim process for you. For more information visit Jorgensen Law website at https://www.mysocialsecurityattorney.com/