Expert witness cases can be vital for any company. It comes with many issues and many forms – whether it’s oil and gas witness testimony services or mineral ownership disputes, even to shareholder value and mineral estate tax basis resolution. The field is complex indeed, and you’ll likely want to have the services of a company with a lot of experience within successful disputes at your disposal to call on whenever you need.
In a very specialist and very niche field, there are a few companies stating that they have a wealth of experience within Oil and Gas Expert Witness testimony, but only one company is regularly called upon by E&P companies, the worldwide finance community and legal institutions, as well as Governments themselves in order to explain oil and gas specific things in manners which can be understood to allow for accurate judgement.
ERCe are an oil and gas expert witness company which are based in London. They have recently even received accreditation by Mexico’s Hydrocarbon National Committee (CNH) as one of a very small group of experts in reserves certification which act on behalf of the Mexican Government.
The CNH manages Mexico’s entire data repository which contains vital information and data from seismic, gravimetric and magnetometric study within Mexico and further afield. Furthermore, the CNH keeps and preserves well cores, drill cuttings and oil samples which are deemed vital to the country’s historical and prospective hydrocarbon knowledge.
The CNH, of course, require a level of precision and a level of certainty with regard to all legal negotiation involving oil and gas. A very established name in the field of Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources Evaluation, a number of members of this firm are registered members within the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE) as well. Further notes of distinction include Board membership of the SPEE and are full members of the PESGB.
Essentially, if you’re looking for a good business, company with competence, access to the right tools to function as an effective Expert Witness with a range of experiences to draw from, ERCe can assist you with what you need.
Working within the logging industry can be challenging, if not highly competitive. It creates the need for high-performance, high-quality equipment delivered from an experienced supplier. But what should you look for when deciding who supplies your borehole equipment?
Ideally you want to work with a company who has years of experience within the field to be able to understand your exact needs- whether it is in regard to matters such as expert witness, reservoir evaluation, or even borehole logging. All of the above is expensive business and time is money within this kind of industry. You want to be 100% you’re using the right equipment and have the right support you need should anything not work as you need it to – or as inevitable legal challenges come up along the way.
If the company in question have built a reputation as experts then you are likely to be getting better value for money than if you were to go for a cheaper alternative. This is because not only will you be getting more reliable equipment, you’ll be getting the additional advice and support you might require to go along with it.
Well logging specialists with a good reputation are likely to have worked with more companies which can work in your favour. For example, if you only require the logging equipment, a priority for you might be the cost involved in leasing them. Well, a company that’s busy is likely to be able to offer more competitive pricing than a company that doesn’t get so much business.
Choosing a supplier that doesn’t limit itself to just one field of logging may also be advisable, just so you can be assured of who you ought to contact in the case that your company expands. Therefore, try and contact a business that can provide a range of services and logging activities they can assist you with. The ultimate kind of assistance would be that the company in question could carry out the consultation directly for you, if you absolutely needed them to. For you this might make all the difference in your decision, offering you that extra reassurance that you have the additional resources if all else fails.