February 11, 2025


Parenting plans and custodial issues are always highly contested and stressful for many families. During the COVID-19 outbreak, it can be even more so. If you have a parenting plan, the pandemic, school closures, and stay at home, orders have likely evoked many questions regarding how you should move forward when it comes to your kids. For many parents, it is best to meet with a knowledgeable Murfreesboro family law attorney. An attorney can answer your questions and provide clarification of the current orders and restrictions in the context of family law. 

Should Parenting Plans Change During the COVID-19 Outbreak?

Many factors may leave you questioning the status of your parenting plan and if it should be adhered to. You might be concerned about the spread of the virus when exchanging the children or while they are at their other parent’s house. The kids will not be physically returning to school this year, and if spring break has not yet occurred for your school district, this could further complicate the issue. 

The general consensus of courts around the country and here in Tennessee is that parenting plans should not change based on any of these changed circumstances. Parents are strongly encouraged, and in Tennessee, they are ordered by the 16th Judicial District Judges that oversee civil court to not deviate from their original orders or agreements. 

Parents should adhere to their school year parenting plan until the school year would have been over. Spring break custody arrangements should still proceed as planned. If you have a valid reason to want to modify these arrangements, be sure to bring it to the attention of your Murfreesboro family law attorney and take their advice on how to best proceed.

Exchanging Your Children During Stay at Home Orders

While there are not many places you are allowed to go under Governor Lee’s Stay at Home Orders, exchanging your children is one exception. The courts explicitly state that parents need to continue to exchange the children per their regular schedule. Any deviation from this plan needs to be agreed upon with the other parent or approved by the court in the correct jurisdiction. 

If you are able to do so, have a discussion with your co-parent about how you will both work together to protect your children from the virus. This might include not exchanging the children if one parent or someone in their household has been exposed to someone diagnosed with or showing coronavirus symptoms. Any mutually agreed upon changes you make to your parenting plan should be in writing and signed by both parties. 

You can also incorporate the recommendations from the CDC before, during, and after your exchanges. If you previously conducted exchanges inside a public place, you may need to find a new location to decrease everyone’s exposure.

Questions about Parenting Plans During COVID-19 Outbreak? Contact a Seasoned Murfreesboro family Law Attorney for Answers

At Dotson & Taylor, we have a reputation for protecting our clients’ rights for over four decades. We are here to address your parenting plan concerns and questions during the coronavirus outbreak and always. Schedule a free case evaluation with a Murfreesboro family law lawyer today by calling 615-890-1982 or use our convenient online request form. The sooner you reach out, the sooner we can help.