January 18, 2025

Image result for Psychological and Physical Effects of Abusive RelationshipAbusive relationships can result in devastating psychological and physical effects for the victim involved. Whether the relationship consisted of verbal, emotional, or physical abuse, the effects can be long-lasting and may require the victim to attend specialized therapy or abuse survivor support groups. Keep reading to learn about some of these potential ramifications and gain insight into the recovery period that many victims must go through in order to regain control of their life and happiness.

Psychological Effects

As the medical field gains more and more insight into the complex world of the human brain and the impact of psychological disorders, it is becoming clear that emotional disorders can potentially be more damaging to a person’s overall quality of life than physical injuries. Unfortunately because psychological issues are hidden, society tends to downplay and dismiss them. It is critical that survivors of abuse and their loved ones work to together to help these victims overcome any damaging psychological effects they may be experiencing.

Possible Psychological Effects of Abusive Relationships Include:

  • Depression and/or Anxiety
  • Trust Issues
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Feelings of Hopelessness
  • Substance Abuse
  • Diminished Self-Esteem Including Feels of Unworthiness
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Suicidal Ideation/Attempts

Physical Effects

Intimate partner violence can inflict severe physical effects on the abuse victim and makes up a whopping 15 percent of all violence crime across the United States. This is especially disturbing because the violence is being inflicted by a person that the victim should be able to love and trust. Physical effects caused by abuse can result in immediate external injuries as well as serious internal complications.

Possible Physical Effects of Abusive Relationships Include:

  • Bruises
  • Headaches
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Involuntary Shaking
  • Muscle Tension
  • Broken Bones
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Pregnancy Complications
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Heart Conditions

Recovery From Abusive Relationships

Giving the victim time to heal from an abusive relationship is a critical component of the recovery process. The abuse victim should reach out to family and friends for support during this time. It is also important for the victim to reach an understanding that the abuser’s perception of them was a reflection of the abuser’s problems, motives, and history, and had nothing to do with the victim. The abuse survivor should involve themselves in healthy, strength-building activities and work on rebuilding their new life without the abuser.

Groups like the Arizona Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence work to protect abuse victims and state that 60 percent of abuse survivors experience chronic depression. Many victims may still be fearful of their abuser even after leaving the relationship. To reach a sense of safety in their everyday life, a victim can work with a Scottsdale domestic violence attorney to help press charges, obtain an order of protection, or work out custody arrangements to protect any children involved.