Dissolution and divorce are legal options to terminate a marriage. However, there are differences between these concepts. Understanding these differences can help you make the right choice when it comes to ending your marriage.
Both dissolution and divorce are linked to a unique set of variables and circumstances. Keep in mind that marriage and other domestic relations are a complicated aspect of one’s life that is more complicated than most people think. This is why divorce or dissolution of marriage may be challenging, emotional, and stressful.
Dissolution of marriage
As mentioned earlier, there is a slight difference between dissolution and divorce. Obtaining a marriage dissolution means that both spouses fully agree on everything at the beginning and end of the dissolution process.
This process is a somewhat cost-effective approach to ending a marriage. Note that different states have specific laws regarding the dissolution process. For instance, in Ohio, the final hearing for dissolution should take place within 90 days of filing the petition. So, consult with an experienced lawyer to know the specific laws and statute of limitations that apply to your case.
In most cases, the spouses dissolving their marriage agree on the terms of dissolution ahead of time. This prevents heightened emotions and arguments associated with divorce. Note that each of the partners should be represented by their lawyer. Even if you and your partner had previously agreed on nearly everything, you can not be represented by the same lawyer. So, choose your own lawyer to review the necessary paperwork and protect your interests.
With most divorce cases, there are controversial issues involved. Usually these cases stem from fights between the two domestic partners, or husband and wife. Heightened emotions can sometimes influence the divorcing partners, their kids (if any), relatives, and friends. This is because it’s very hard for people to pick sides and lose their impartiality.
As with other forms of ending a marriage, each state has unique rules. To file a divorce in Ohio, for instance, one of the spouses should be a resident of this state for at least six months and a resident of the specific county where he or she intends to file the case for a minimum of 90 days. Whether the divorce case is contested or uncontested, it’s not a quick or easy process. It takes time for the court to address all the aspects of divorce, such as child custody, alimony, property division, and more.
Divorce cases involving high-net-worth couples are often more complicated than other divorce cases.
This is because there are so many financial elements that must be addressed during property division, determination of child support, alimony, and other financial aspects of divorce.
Some states use divorce and the dissolution of a marital relationship interchangeably. But these are a slight difference between the two approaches to ending a marriage. No matter what you choose, be sure to consult with an experienced attorney.