Road accident statistics dropped radically during the hard lockdown. People were not allowed to move around, except to seek medical care and buy essential items like groceries. However, as the virus’s peak has passed, the states have started opening up, allowing people to move around and return to work. Consequently, the traffic on the roads will start picking up. And, the higher the traffic volumes on the public roads, the greater the risk of road incidents occurring.
Therefore, the question that begs is, how do you navigate your way around a road accident in the post-COVID-19 era?
By way of answering this question, let’s consider the following points:
Speak to an expert motor vehicle accident lawyer
Even though the US states are reopening, this does not mean that the virus has disappeared. Unfortunately, there is a real risk of a second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Succinctly stated, one of the only ways to control and prevent the virus’s spread is through social distancing. And, as higher numbers of people start moving around, there is a high risk of the virus spreading through the communities again.
Therefore, instead of doing the legwork contacting witnesses, police, and all the people involved in your accident, it is preferable to hire a car accident attorney in Atlanta, GA to manage the consequences of your vehicle accident, especially if you are classified as a high-risk person.
Seek medical care
It’s reasonable to assume that it is not safe to visit an emergency room should you need medical care after being involved in an accident. However, this assumption is not true. The article titled “Is it safe to go to the hospital during COVID-19 pandemic? Doctors say yes,” reiterates the need to seek medical care should you need it and not avoid hospitals.
Hospitals and emergency care staff continue to update their safety procedures, ensuring that it is safe to visit an emergency room. The consequences of avoiding seeking medical care could be dire, especially if you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident.
Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about contracting the COVID-19 virus during your hospital stay.
Social distancing post-accident
The standard procedure straight after an accident is to exchange contact details and driver’s license details with all the other drivers involved in the accident, as well as collect the contact details of any witnesses to the accident.
While it is completely understandable that, due to the shock of the road accident, all thoughts of wearing a mask and remaining the correct distance away from all other people involved in the accident as well as the witnesses, it is critical to remember to adhere to the social distancing requirements when swapping contact details with other people. It is not worth risking contracting the COVID-19 virus as well as dealing with the emotional, mental, and physical consequences of the accident.
Final thoughts
Even though the future is very uncertain, there are support mechanisms in place to help you deal with traumatic circumstances like a road accident. All you have to do is to take advantage of these structures, as highlighted above.