January 23, 2025

Image result for A New Incubator for Tech-Startups with a ‘Spark’ to ‘Ignite’

There is a hoard of startups being led by founders and employees known for their hustle. Building a successful company for a long-term sustainable business is no easy task. It is perhaps the reason why 90 percent of the startups fail. While the product/service, business model, founding team, and target audience are some crucial factors pertaining to a startup’s success, there is another side to which we don’t actually pay attention. It is the Legal & Regulatory facet of running a business!

Though, as global sentience towards collaborative efforts rise, solving problems like adequate funding, incubation, legal & regulatory support is proving to be feasible. Thanks to the initiatives taken by Corporate Mountains like Thomson Reuters who are constantly working in that direction. 

‘TR Ignite’ is here

Thomson Reuters has deployed a new initiative to incubate technology startups in the Asia-Pacific region. The aim of this partnership with Thomson Reuters is not just to provide boost to the technology, but to disrupt tomorrow’s tech solutions today.

TR Ignite is an opportunity for startups in Asia-Pacific to tap into Thomson Reuters technology innovators, deep industry insights and market reach via a tailored partnership program. 

Which Startups can participate?

The Ignite Incubation initiative aims to cover Technology startups whose objective is to bring disruption in their respective domains. To be specific, the following startups can be a part of this initiative;

AI & Machine Learning Startups

Startups aiming to bring insights from the noisy information and data into perspective for informed decision-making. Here, it would be great if the technology addresses the pain points in summarization and classification of legal, tax, accounting, and news domains through technology.

Natural Language Processing

Startups working towards making information and data readily accessible on time. In other words, new platforms that are making ‘knowledge management’ much easier, preferably in legal, tax and accounting domains. 

Distributed Ledger

Solutions pertaining to digital ledger are all hot since the advent of cryptocurrency and collaborative contractual platforms. Tech startups with a solution for tracking contractual agreements, automate business/client interactions, aid in business development, and simplify transactions are highly welcome under TR Ignite initiative. 

Data Analytics

Modern world is no dumber than a stone were it not for data and the insights it carries with itself. Teams working towards making Data analytics a breeze for businesses with USPs second to none are highly sought-after by this incubation program. 

Why TR Ignite?

It is not just the opportunity to secure a $250,000 funding for the qualifying startups, but a chance to secure partnership with TR possessing more than 150 years of business experience in navigating through legal, regulatory, and complex ecosystems. The qualifying startups will also get access to a global customer footprint, partner resources, Thomson Reuters’ think tank’s mentorship to make your idea a massive success. 

There is no real reason to wait. Applications close on 16 August 2019. Incubate and accelerate your dream startup now!